Dr. Wolff gave a big talk a few days ago at the International Society for Hip Arthroscopy Annual Scientific Meeting in San Francisco on the findings of his patients’ results 2 years after labral reconstruction. Why labral reconstruction and not repair you ask? Well, Dr. Wolff has pioneered a technique that enables people to get back to excellent hip function despite severe labral damage (as long as they don’t have arthritis) and he has been tracking the recovery of these patients. The bottom-line: the results were really good! Actually they were just as good as the results achieved with labral repair – which is the procedure indicated for a hip with much less labral damage. Prior to labral reconstruction, patients with severe labral damage and without arthritis were stuck without relief – a labral repair was not sufficient and a hip replacement was too invasive. We now know that labral reconstruction is a good option for those patients previously stuck in hip limbo! For more information, check out the video presentation: