Dr. Edward G. Magur, MD, is an orthopaedic surgeon who specializes in conditions, injuries and disorders of the foot and ankle.
Dr. Magur’s research interests include injuries of the foot and ankle in athletes. His approach to foot and ankle care is to evaluate the injury or condition, assess the patient’s lifestyle and recommend appropriate treatment measures. When feasible, he recommends nonoperative measures such as medication, therapy, shoewear modifications and orthotics. Surgical discussions are generally reserved for conditions that fail to respond to appropriate conservative management.
Dr. Magur completed his foot and ankle fellowship with Dr. James Sammarco at the Center for Orthopedic Care in Cincinnati, Ohio and his orthopaedic surgery residency at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, D.C. He received his MD from Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, N.Y. and his BS from Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y.
Dr. Magur recently served as the foot and ankle consultant for the Washington Capitals, Washington Wizards, and the Washington Ballet. He is the former assistant team physician of the Washington Nationals.
Dr. Magur is board-certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery.
Medical Assistant:
Sebastien S. : ext. 714; MagurMA@alignedortho.com
Lectures and Presentations
Research and Publications
Sukumar P, Loo A, Magur E, Nandi J, Oler A, Levine R. Enteral Feeding of Nucleotides and Arginine Promotes Healing of Small Bowel Ulcers in Experimental Ulcerative Ileitis. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, Vol. 42(7):1530-6, 1997.
Magur, Edward G. Stress Fractures of the Femoral Neck. Trauma 42(5):27-42, 2001.
Magur, Edward G. Fractures of the Distal Radius. Trauma 43(2):39-68, 2001.
Magur, Edward G. Osteoarthritis of the Ankle. Trauma 45(3)73-92, 2003.
Magur, Edward G. Osteolysis in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Trauma 46(5)53-67, 2004.
Leet AI, Magur EG, Lee JS, Weintroub S, Robey PG, Collins MT. Fibrous Dysplasia in the Spine: Prevalence of Lesions and Association with Scoliosis. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 86A(3):531-7, 2004.
Magur, Edward G. Adult Acquired Flatfoot. Trauma 46(4) 33-59, 2004.
Magur EG, Bagwe MS, Sammarco VJ, Sammarco GJ. Simultaneous Arthrodesis of the Talonavicular and Subtalar Joints for Correction of Symptomatic Hindfoot Malalignment. Foot and Ankle International 27(9):661-6, 2006.
Bagwe MS, Magur EG, Sammarco VJ, Sammarco GJ. The Effects of Unilateral Gastrocnemius Muscle Recession. Foot and Ankle International 27(7):508-11, 2006.